Crisel, Micha, Joy and I

Crisel, Micha, Joy and I
My family!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fish Plant.

Hi there! I am so sorry for this long overdue update. After working on the boat in L.A. for several weeks, I felt the Lord showing me it was time to come back to Canada. Friendships released me and even blessed me with a car they had and were not using, which I drove back to B.C. and am now using to get to work every day. At present I am staying with friends in Port McNiel, B.C. and working in a fish processing plant in Port Hardy, which is about 48km North of here, on the northern end of Vancouver Island. It has been a blessing to find a job so quickly where I am able to get a lot of hours and good wage to start getting myself out of debt. It all happened very quickly, and I am praising God for his provision, though at present I have not made a final decision as to weather to stay in B.C. or go back home to Manitoba in the near future. I am enjoying the opportunity I have been given and seeking the Lord for what is to come over the next weeks and months. I would appreciate everyones prayers and pray you would all be blessed! Thanks! Jacob

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dear Jacob,
I am very happy you are home for the moment! I think wisdom is guiding you, and I miss your personality. Thanks for letting me borrow your kayak.