Crisel, Micha, Joy and I

Crisel, Micha, Joy and I
My family!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Port Mercy...

I'll just post a short note here to let everybody know I arrived at Port Mercy safe and well last night. My old car made the 1600 mile journey without any issues. Pretty good for a 30+ year old car! Today I got settled in a bit, stripped a couple radar units and welded some kleats for the Mer Sea's shore Launch. It's cool to be back doing this stuff. The Hope and Mer Sea should be sailing both in about a week, the Hope for Nevis Island in the East Indies, and the Mer Sea for the Mosquito Coast in northern Nicaragua, to respond to the devastation of the recent Hurricane Felix. It is then planned for both ships to head to Roatan Island in Honduras. I will post more when I know which ship I am on. It looks like it will be the Hope. Whichever I am on though it will be fine. Thank you all for your prayers and God Bless. Jacob

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