Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Fish Plant.
Hi there! I am so sorry for this long overdue update. After working on the boat in L.A. for several weeks, I felt the Lord showing me it was time to come back to Canada. Friendships released me and even blessed me with a car they had and were not using, which I drove back to B.C. and am now using to get to work every day. At present I am staying with friends in Port McNiel, B.C. and working in a fish processing plant in Port Hardy, which is about 48km North of here, on the northern end of Vancouver Island. It has been a blessing to find a job so quickly where I am able to get a lot of hours and good wage to start getting myself out of debt. It all happened very quickly, and I am praising God for his provision, though at present I have not made a final decision as to weather to stay in B.C. or go back home to Manitoba in the near future. I am enjoying the opportunity I have been given and seeking the Lord for what is to come over the next weeks and months. I would appreciate everyones prayers and pray you would all be blessed! Thanks!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Wagons West!
Hey I will keep this short right now, but it looks like Friendships is sending me to California again sometime within the next week or so. There are a bunch of us going to L.A. to work on the ministry yacht, Pearl, then to Seattle to work on the larger vessel Integrity. We will be driving out with a small convoy of equipment vehicles including our Kenworth and a lowbed trailer, and two other large trucks loaded with equipment for the vessels and the ministry base in Roatan, Honduras. I'm not sure what is beyond that, as there are several options out there including my coming back to Port Mercy, or continuing to work as crew on one of those vessels for the duration of the trip through the Panama canal and up here after stopping off in Honduras. There are other thoughts and prayers in my head as well and I am seeking the Lord as to what life choices would make sense and please him right now. Not that many of the things I do ever really make sense, I guess. But nonetheless I am seeking to make the best choices I can with what He has given me. It is definatly an adventure serving the Lord... You never really know what is next. I love this life God has given me. May the way I live it out be worship to Him.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Port Mercy
Hey just so everyone knows we arrived back at Port Mercy on Friday afternoon June 6th. We had a great sail, making very good time and excellent conditions out at sea. The outreach went very well though I was on the ship most of the time doing watches. I have posted a bunch of photos in 2 albums on my facebook site. Mostly photos during the sail and exploring the Island the 2 days I had off. Apparently I never took any photos at all at the ministry site, but there are some great ones at http://www.friendships.org Maybe I'll borrow some and post them, too. Anyways the trip was awesome, the doctors saw about 400 people per day, the children's ministry apparently was awesome as well. One of our crew, Murray Douglas, has written several puppet ministry plays, and makes his own puppets, too, from scratch. Very very well done. Apparently the kids loved it. Thank you so much to all of you who have prayed for me or helped me otherwise to be here serving this ministry, I know when I do thse things it's all built on a foundation laid by many people. Thank you, and God Bless.
Love Jacob
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Charlestown, Nevis, West Indies.
Well this has been a fast paced month. I have not had internet access from when we left the US almost a month ago until now, so I am sorry that I have been out of touch with everybody and not updated this blog. I think we arrived here on Nevis around the 14th of May, and unloaded the ship and started trucking things over to a school field where we set up the medical site. I have been on the ship most of the time, doing anchor watch or loading/unloading cargo. The medical outreach apparently went very well, with around 400 people seen each day. Besides that they had children's ministry throughout the day and evangelistic services in the evenings. I had the opportunity to sail on the ship as a cadet officer, which was great. My role here is as a support person, help get the ship here so the doctors dentists and their teams can do their work. They all were very encouraging as they shared about the work they did during evenings on the ship. Last Sunday I went with a few of our team and hiked part way up the volcano which forms this island. It was awesome. There were all kinds of local birds, some monkeys, and pigs and goats roaming around as they pleased. We found a coconut and managed to get it open for a drink and a snack. That was cool. I've seen kids in the Pacific Islands do it with one or two thwacks of a machette but it is harder with just a leatherman and rocks though. The island lifestyle here is pretty cool, calm laid back, but very clean and decent. They have virtually no crime at all, and apparently you can go to jail for swearing. Man! and people think us Canadians have it good! It is a beautiful Island and beautifull culture, It is cool we were able to bless them with the medical work that was a blessing to the people here, and challenge many to walk with God. I had a neat talk last night with a guy who indicated to me he was a drug dealer. He was trying to make a sale I think but when he found out I was a christian it opened up a neat discussion about various things. His mom and grandmother are christians he says, and he wants God to bless him, so I challenged him a bit about making choices and leading a life that would honor God. God does desire to bless his children. Anyways it's been great to be here. This is the first day I have gotten online since leaving the US, but it's also our last day here as we are to depart at 2300 tonight, and take the next ten days to get back to Port Mercy in Louisiana. Thank you to those who have left comments here and may God Bless you all.
In Christ, Jacob
Saturday, May 3, 2008
ETD 0600
Hey there I just thought that I would post that we are sailing @ 0600 this am so I will be out of touch for the time we are at sea and maybe longer depending on the availability of internet on Nevis Island and how much shore leave I get. I will try to check this when I can so please leave me messages. Our ETA back in Louisiana is early-mid June, maybe like the 10th or so. Nevis Island is located in the Lesser Antilles chain in the West Indies, or eastern Caribbean. It is a british colony that is apparently so peacefull and free of crime that you go to jail for swearing. I just think that is so cool. We will be there doing a medical outreach, reaching out to the people there with the Love of Christ. The Hope is loaded and ready to go. Pray for me for this trip! I will be sailing as an officer cadet so that will be very cool. Anyways God Bless you all. I need to hit the rack!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Hey all... just a bit of an update. Friendships flew me out to Los Angeles last week to work on a yacht that was donated to the ministry. It is a beautiful classic wood hull motor yacht, 75 feel overall. Our plan with this boat is to use it in the Caribbean region, likely homeported at our base on Roatan Island in Honduras. The boat's mission will be to visit various locations hosting pastor's seminars and doing advance work for the larger ships when they visit. It's an exciting vision, and I have been asked to take a leading role in this ministry as the vessel's captain so I would like to ask for prayer and wisdom for this. I only want to do it if that is what would please our heavenly father. I think I am willing to do this, and of course it would be cool but the Kingdom isn't about what would be cool. There are plenty of more experienced seamen out there that God can call up if I am not His choice for this. If so, that's fine with me too. I like what I've been doing with the other ships as well. So may His Name be lifted up and His Kingdom advanced. God Be Praised.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Mission update letter
Hello and blessings to you all. I really want to thank every one of you who have been supporting me as a missionary with your prayers, emails and also the financial donations which God uses to allow me to be here doing this work. I have now been down here in Louisiana with Friendships Unlimited for the past six months, in addition to another 7 month period following Hurricane Katrina in 2005/2006. As many of you will know Friendships Unlimited is a non-profit organization which operates a small fleet of ships which bring humanitarian relief and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to impoverished nations both in the Caribbean and overseas. We do disaster relief, in response to Hurricanes, Earthquakes and the like both here in the US or wherever our service is needed. Other relief voyages have been to Israel, Africa, Russia, Haiti, and Honduras. Relief supplies have also been sent worldwide via commercial shipping lines. I am currently serving this missionary organization in the position of Bosun and 3rd Mate. My role is as a volunteer with the deck department. So far I have primarily been involved in the upgrades and renovations to the F/V MerSea as well as overseeing the deck maintenence, preparing her for service with our organisation. In addition I will be sailing as 3rd Mate on the F/V Hope on our upcoming voyage to do a medical outreach on Nevis Island in the West Indies during May and June and then on the F/V Coastal Pilot when we sail her from Seattle to our base in Louisiana later this summer. In Los Angeles we will be picking up a 75 foot motor yacht which our base there is currently converting to use for doing advance work for our larger ships and Pastor's seminars in the Caribbean region. I expect it will be based out of our ministry centre in Honduras. I will be heading out to L.A. in the next few days to work on this vessel. I cannot well enough express my gratitude for those of you who have sent me out to do this work. I cannot imagine anything in this world I would rather be doing. My biggest prayer requests are for wisdom in desicions regarding my role here as I have been asked to take on this yacht as her captain, director and maintenence overseer. It would be a big step up in responsibilty to say the least. I just keep saying wow. This really is beyond anything I could have imagined right now. Please pray for wisdom for me in making these decisions, as well as pray for me to do really well at what God has placed before me. I am SO honored. Finances is another prayer request I am really seeking God for right now. I don't think I have ever been quite so stretched but I know God loves to build our faith through these things. I am looking up to our father, who is our Lord and Provider. I am in a place where I am very aware of my reliance on his provision. I am praying for a miracle. Please pray with me. Although I very much love where I am at right now, I do miss you all and the fellowship we have shared at different times. May God's richest blessings rest on you each. Email me anytime.
Love in Christ, Jacob Blondahl
Sunday, March 2, 2008
On whom do you depend? On whom do you want to depend? Dependance is a theme that has been in my prayers a lot lately. I am in a place of being dependant on God... Actually we all are, we just usually don't see it. I do see it, more and more. I love the fact that God loves us enough that he brings us to a place, or allows us to wander to a place- where we see first hand that we are God-dependant. He wants us to seek Him for our needs, and regularly. I have prayed a lot of times in my life for needs that I had, often financial ones. To date, I have not had a winning lottery ticket magically blow in the window and land on my bed as I was kneeling there in prayer. As much as I may think that would be great, that has not been my experience of God's provision, but I have seen God's provision! Just not in the ways I may dream of. Usually He provides in ways I don't anticipate. Sometimes He also provides in ways I don't appreciate, at least not the way I should. Living and working much of my life as a full time missionary, I often don't have the ability to go get a job and live off it. At times I have, but right now, as I am living on a ship in the US, it would be both impossible time-wise (As I work more than full time and am liable to sail away anytime) as well as illegal. As a Canadian, I can't just go get a job here anyways. So living here, and doing what I am doing, I see very clearly that I am reliant on God's provision. Believe me, when I go online to check my bank account, I am praying! I know that I have certain financial obligations, but I also know that by my works, I cannot fulfill them. My options are to 1.) Drop what I am doing, leave here and return to Canada and do something else, or 2.) Trust God for a miracle. The deciding factor is that I really believe this is where I am supposed to be. I cannot think of anything in the world I would would rather be doing, or anywhere I would rather be. I felt clearly for a long time that I needed to get back here doing this sort of thing, and I am happier and more at peace right now than I can remember being. I love my job, I love this ministry, and more than anything I love what God is doing inside of me. I love the Peace that He has brought me. I am excited about getting the Mersea ready for sea and I am excited about taking the Hope to Nevis in May. I am excited that it looks as though I will have the opportunity to sail as 3rd mate. That is so cool. It's totally in God's hands if it does happen but I am excited, it's something I have wanted to do since I was in my teens. I remember how many people shared with me pictures or words the Lord gave them for me before I came down here, and almost all of them had to do with me being on a ship, at the helm, up the mast or in the chartroom. In most of those cases the people told me they saw rough waters coming, but the Lord was there with me, and His Peace was all around. It is so exciting to be here, to see these things happening. The Lord led me to a church here that I love, and it has been such a blessing to me. This morning they didn't even preach or anything, just worship. It was so awesome. So what am I gonna do? I'm going to serve the Lord. I'm going to do what He has brought me here to do, and I just pray all the time that my very life would be a living sacrifice to Him. I pray that every word I speak, every action I make would honor Him, would please Him. And I know that my God is fully able to provide for all of my needs, whatever they may be.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Back at it.
Well I had a great time during my trip back to Canada for Christmas. It was good to spend time with family and friends both in Manitoba and B.C. I am sorry though that I have not updated this blog while I was away. The trip North was good but a few deteriorating car parts and lack of a block heater cost me a lot upon my arrival back in Winnipeg. Then the trip West to B.C. was smooth quiet and uneventful. The last day I had meant to stay in 100 Mile House the car decided it had had it and started acting up big time so needless to say it is buried in the snow in my parents backyard now and I'm not going to comment on weather it will ever run again. Not anytime soon anyhow. I bought that car anticipating big financial savings on fuel, but what I have saved there has been dwarfed by the well over $10,000 the thing has cost me in parts and maintenance. That is especially encouraging when I think about the fact that it is now basically inoperable without a lot more major work being done on it. So anyways after about 80 hours of Greyhounds and Greyhound stations I finally got back to Louisiana and the ship at Port Mercy. Then after a shower and some lunch it was straight to work...
The news was my ship may be going out on a bareboat charter for an indefinite period of time and inspectors were due the next morning to check it out. As of now I have not heard weather the charter is happening but either way we have lots of work to do on it both outside and in for use either by us or anyone else. Interior work we've done has included a total remodel of one end of the mess hall (A former cabin had been partially removed and we turned it into an extension of the mess hall.) One cabin has been completely redone and another couple are coming up next. I've done a bunch of repairs and or alterations to the electrical power in the cabins we are working in and odds and ends of little projects throughout the ship. On the deck side we have been chipping rust and repainting the ship as weather allows. It's kind of rainy here this time of year. I welded some new railings on the Starboard side quarter deck and have patched cut and repaired other railings, drains and rusty places on deck. One blessing we have is almost everything I have been involved in installing on the Mer Sea we have salvaged from the Shalom, an old Canadian Coast Guard research vessel we have and are parting out. I enjoy seeing the stuff we are salvaging put to use right away on the Mer Sea and our other vessels. So far we have been able to reuse tables, chairs, beds (bunks), shelving, bulkhead sections, outside deck railings, wiring and electrical components, ceiling tiles and probably other things I can't think of right now. I believe we are going to be able to install Shalom's gyro pilot automatic steering system as well. Down in the engine room the engineers have replaced one of the Detroit 6v71 Diesel generators and are working on the exciters for the main propulsion generators as well as some electrical improvements, breakers and circuitry. Although we still have a lot of work to do it is really encouraging to see the progress that is being made. It it miraculous really considering how understaffed we are compared to where I would like to see us for the jobs we have to do. Right now as bosun I am the only full time deck hand we have, there are two students who work 6 hours a day as well, one carpenter and the Captain- that is our entire current deck dept for all five ships we have here. I am glad to have been able to focus almost exclusively on the Mer Sea, otherwise it would be too overwhelming. At some point though I expect that could change though as the current plan is for the Hope to be the vessel used for the Spring outreach scheduled in late March or April. I don't know much on that though including where that outreach will be to or weather I will be sailing. Right now I'm just focused on getting the Mer Sea up to par. It's all good though.
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